Farnborough Sands

Wave of Light Service

Sunday 15th October marked International Pregnancy and Infant Loss day, and the end of Baby Loss Awareness week, and across the globe there were held Wave of Light services, where candles and lights were lit in memory of all the babies taken too soon.

Farnborough Sands held our own service, for the second year at our Baby Memorial Garden.

The service was held at 6.45pm and at 7pm candles were lit by all who attended in memory of theirs and all babies lost at any stage of pregnancy or after birth.
There were some beautiful poems read by some brave parents, and Laura read the names of all the babies whose parents attended the service, and a few who were not able to attend.

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The readings and service were followed by hot chocolate and biscuits for those that stayed a while to reflect and admire the poignancy and beauty of the garden in candle light.
We had a lovely turn out, with many parents, and siblings of all the angel babies remembering them with love.
Many thanks to Aldershot Crematorium for opening their gates to allow us to hold this service here for the second year, and to all those who attended and helped make the evening a lovely service and memorial to our angels.

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